Saturday 14 December 2013

Christmas Cheer - Part 1

Christmas Cheer!

     So...Here I am on a Saturday night, December 14th, on my couch watching The Santa Clause and half a bottle deep of Chardonnay. Don't judge...
     I've loved Christmas for as long as I can remember. What I don't want to remember is the chubby 12 year old listening to Christmas music in October...hence the Chardonnay ;) Anywho...I thought I would spread some random Christmas Cheer! 
     I run a seasonal facebook page dedicated to Christmas called "Christmas Corner" Today I posted various recipes, wallpapers and songs...I also posted what I feel is the hardest decision I've had to make in my adult life thus far, the Christmas Corner Official playlist. I take this very seriously and understand that while there are many songs that I deliberately excluded from the list...Many should have made the cut...which is why this is part 1!
.....but first...I've recently discovered Cake Mix Cookies and think it is my duty to share this amazing discovery....TRY won't be sorry, but your jeans will be! Shhhh...I've discovered you can use this formula for every cake mix...and add whatever you want!

     Now.. for the ambiance..My playlist, enjoy!!. For more Christmas goodies, follow the link!

Saturday 26 October 2013

Halloween is Upon us!

     Hello everyone, long time no type! I decided to make my much anticipated (lol) comeback for the great season of Halloween. This one will be short but sweet.
If you're planning a Halloween party, decorating, although fun, could be a source of anxiety. What's too much, what's too little, what looks cheesy. It's also difficult if you're on a budget. Speaking from experience, I have noticed that the small details are what wows your guests. So, I've decided to share a couple of things I did for the Halloween party I threw last year.

     Haunting labels on your bottles can add a great touch to the decor and even as a centerpiece like I did. I found a whole pack of them at ....THE DOLLAR STORE!! Yes, I have noticed over the years their stock has been getting better and better, I was quite impressed. If they don't have them at your dollar store, you can plan ahead and order a bunch from ebay or you can check at your local craft store (Michael's). For the "poison" bottle, I merely added a few drops of blue food coloring to water and used an empty wine bottle I had. The other two bottles were real vodka and wine and were actually used by the guests. The skull, cup, table cloth and brain were also found at the dollar store. The brain was actually quite gross...

  Later in the evening, I busted out these babies...syringe shooters! Now these were fun and impressed the guests. You can find the syringes at the pharmacy, they're that same ones used to administer oral medication to your tiny monsters. You can fill them with anything you want. I chose vodka and cranberry juice to make it look like blood. You may want to make them look like poison. For green you could use vodka with Midori melon liqueur or for blue you can use rum with blue Curacao.

     For an extra added disgusting detail, you can add plastic flies or spiders to your ice cubes. Once again I got these revolting creatures at the dollar store. These were a hit. The only drawback is making sure nobody swallows them once the ice melts...which is quite possible after a few drinks, again...speaking from experience!...and yes, that is my dilapidated Motley Crue shirt, I was Tommy Lee ;)

     I haven't decided if I will be hosting a Halloween party this year, but I've been browsing the net and pinterest for some cool and easy ideas for next year. These are my personal favorites. You can find the tutorials in the Halloween album of the very cool Facebook page Winegasm:

If you live in a house, you can do this one at your front door or even better, on the side of your house (Wizard of Oz style). You can find the tights at any costume store, the pharmacy or the dollar store, in any color, I would choose green and black. As for the shoes, a thrift store would have these or a similar pair, or maybe you own some! They don't HAVE to be ruby slippers!

     This is a fantastic idea....It may take a while to empty the pumpkin so you may want to recruit a friend. I also assume if you keep it nice and thick, the ice won't make the pumpkin sweat like most ice buckets. I'll definitely try this one next year.

     My personal favorite...I'm very excited about this one. Eyeball garnish for drinks!....Radishes and olives, that's it! Check out the tutorial via Winegasm, it's eerily easy.

   Last but certainly not least, gummy worm Jell-o shooters. How delicious do these look?! These would be a total hit, and will bring out your inner trick or treater. I suggest you read the tutorial before attempting this one as there are specific instructions on when exactly to put the worm in .

And there you have it, my personal favorites for a Halloween party on a dime. Again, check out for the tutorials and give them a like! There are plenty more where these came from!

Have a safe and Spooky Halloween!!!! Muuuuaaaahahahahahahahahahahah ...ok I'll stop.

Sunday 24 February 2013

The Spa at Home ~ Sugar Body Scrub

      Hello all...It's Sunday yet again. Only a few hours until the new episode of Walking Dead...and only a few hours more until the start of a new working week (Sorry if I depressed anyone!).
  After a week in New York City, late nights and eating out, my skin needs a full-on rejuvenation! Spa treatments and store bought exfoliants are not only expensive, but full of unknown ingredients, perfumes and dyes you can't even pronounce...I've tried. So, let's make our own! It's so easy and you'll be totally addicted!...I don't even have to moisturize after a shower anymore.

     The following are the base ingredients for my Sugar Body Scrub, the amounts depend on how much of the scrub you want to make, and your preference of scent and consistency:   

Coconut Oil (pure virgin)
Raw sugar
Vitamin E
Essential oils (I used Eucalyptus)


    Before making the scrub, I would like to explain the benefits of these ingredients to the body.

  • Coconut Oil -  This oil is full of wonders and is beneficial for you from head to toe. For skin it is a moisturizer, antibiotic, multivitamin, multi-nutrient, nourishing, anti-aging, anti wrinkle and anti-oxidant all in one! And it is completely natural too! So you’re on the safe side
  • Sugar (brown, white or cane) -  When you regularly exfoliate your skin with a sugar scrub, it becomes healthier in appearance and function.  After dead skin has been exfoliated, your body’s largest organ works more efficiently to expel toxins and take in nourishment.  Skin becomes more uniform in appearance, is softer to touch, and has a radiant glow.  Sugar scrubs are also gentler, and less dehydrating  than salt scrubs and be used by all skin types.
  • Vitamin E -Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects and repairs your skin. It helps your skin stay healthier and more supple.
  • Essential oils -  Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for their healing and purifying effects on the body. They have always held extreme value by ancient medicine men that used them for aromatherapy, consumption, and skin application.
    • Eucalyptus essential oil- Due to the medicinal uses of eucalyptus oil, it is used in a variety of over the counter drugs including rubs, inhalers, liniments, rash creams, and mouthwashes. Effective for treating a number of respiratory problems it is also a good antiseptic owing to its germicidal properties. Hence eucalyptus oil is used for healing wounds, ulcers, burns, cuts, abrasions and sores. It is also effective on insect bites and stings. During muscle and joint pains, massaging eucalyptus oil on the skin surface helps in getting relief from the pain, Another important reason why people like using eucalyptus oil is that it provides a cooling and refreshing effect. Eucalyptus oil is stimulating, removes exhaustion and mental sluggishness and rejuvenates the spirits of the sick. It is also effective in treating stress and mental disorders. 

Now, lets get started!

1. It's important to remember that coconut oil is a solid at room temperature. You will need to scoop some out into a measuring cup (as much as you like) and heat it or microwave it until it is melted.

2. In a separate bowl, pour in your sugar, again, as much as you like. I used raw organic cane sugar. I like using raw sugar because the granules are coarse which make for a better exfoliant. You can also use raw brown sugar, white sugar or even a combination of the two.

3. Pour the melted oil into the sugar and depending on how much you want and what consistency you want, add more sugar or oil.. I like my scrub to be thick. Stir until well blended.

4. Next, I added the vitamin E. By mistake I bought the small capsules so I was there for a while. Poke a hole in the capsules and squeeze the vitamin E into the mixture. Don't feel bad for pricking your happened to me too.

5. Now we add the essential oil. As I said above, you can use whichever oils you like, in whatever quantity. This time, I used eucalyptus...I made a big batch so I used alot of drops (40 ish) also because I like to smell up my whole bathroom with eucalyptus while I shower! I've also tried lavender, which I didn't like very much and next I would like to try lemon or some kind of citrus. Mix and smell until its just the way you want it.

6. You're now ready to spoon your scrub into pretty mason jars. I used wide mouth jars because it's easier to scoop the scrub into. I found that if you're giving them away, the mason jars are cute and adding a little piece of napkin or material is cute too. However, if this is for personal use, I suggest using little tupperwares, theyre easier to store and re open in the shower and won't rust.

** Note - It is not recommended to exfoliate everyday. I use it about twice a week. Also, you will notice that a few days later the oil in your scrub becomes a solid again. This is totally normal, the heat from the shower will soften it right up.

That's it!...easy right??! Enjoy your new body scrub, be creative with oils and sugars and remember, if it cant go in your mouth, it probably shouldn't go on your skin!!
Sara xoxo

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Saturday 9 February 2013

DIY Gift Jars ~ Keep it Simple and Thoughtful

     So, I've been on a DIY kick for a while now (blogs to come), and my favorite by far has been the super cute gift jars I made for Christmas. Although they were a little time consuming, they were totally worth it.
     These could be made with any combination you want, just get creative and see what happens! I made mine for Christmas and so they have jolly undertones :) Trust me when I say, this looks a lot more complicated than it actually is, you can totally do it!!


  First you have to find the perfect little jars. You can find these at Michael's or any craft store...OR you can just go to the dollar store like I did and save tons of money. I chose the ones with the latch, you'll see why in a bit.

Then you'll need hot chocolate powder. Any kind will do, depends how much you feel like spending. I made 5 small jars and needed 2 medium cans of powder. Scoop the powder into the jars until it reaches halfway.

Next comes the chocolate squares. I chose Ghirardelli Peppermint squares which I found in the States. Any square chocolate will do here. Place one or two pieces (depending on the size of the jar) on top of the cocoa powder, I cut one square in half and overlapped them.

 Now were ready for the mini marshmallows! I opted for the plain white ones. However, if these gifts are for a baby shower or birthday, I would have used the little pink ones (yes...I love pink). Add those to the jars until the top, make sure you leave enough room for the lid to close.

The next steps depend on what the jars are for. Choose whatever you like to cover the jar with and close the lid. All I did was cut up some pink napkins and top those pieces with transparent christmas plactic. You can also choose material which would probably frill alot easier once the lid is closed. You can also place the material over the lid like so... (not my jars)

...What's better than hot chocolate? chocolate with alcohol in it! This is my favorite part...I then attached mini bottles of Bailey's with red ribbon, you can also use rope like in the picture below, gives it that shabby look!.. this is where the latch comes in handy. It's much easier to attach something from the latch. You can use any alcohol you want for this part but you might want to make it something that goes well with hot chocolate. Khalua and Tia Maria would also work. Creme de Menthe would be a cool idea for those who like mint chocolate...I dont.

Next come the finishing touches. You don't have to attach a card or label, but if you want to, there is no need to spend all kinds of money at a printing shop or some website. I simply used those Avery stickers used for envelope labels, Microsoft Word and clip art saved from Google images....easy peasy!

I also glued mini candy canes to the top of the lid...This was a bit of a mess. If you choose to glue a decoration to the top, invest in a glue gun! DO NOT USE CRAZY GLUE like I did...needless to say, the lids looked great but it took me days to wash the glue off my fingers...and earlobe (don't ask)

And here we are...the finished product!

Happy Jarring!
Follow me on Pinterest! ~ Sara

Monday 8 October 2012

Happy Tofurky Day!

     This Thanksgiving, we will once again stuff our faces with Tofurky and all the trimmings. I know what you're thinking but seriously...Tofurky doesn't have to be gross and tasteless. I think mine is pretty fracken tasty! There could be different variations to this recipe, you may want to choose different vegetables. I find root vegetables work best but I have used zucchini before, which was just as good. This time I decided to use parsnips and carrots. This is best served with a bunch of awesome sides and some good wine!

** Don't forget to thaw your Tofurky roast 24 hours before you cook me, it's totally worth it!

*** Preheat your oven to 350 F


1 Tofurky roast
1 clove of garlic
1 onion (medium)
3 parsnips
3 carrots
1 tomato
1 tbs crushed pepper sauce (optional)
1/2 bottle of beer (or 1/2 cup of white wine)
olive oil

1.  First, cut up the onion lengthwise and finely chop the garlic.

2. Now, dice the tomato and cut up the rest of the veggies however you want.

3. Heat a thin layer of olive oil in a pan, over medium heat and add garlic. Make sure not to burn the garlic (it becomes bitter) and add the onion. Sautee until onions become transparent, add diced tomato and 1/3 cup of water, let simmer for a few minutes.

4. Once it has simmered a bit, add the crushed pepper sauce (optional), beer (or wine) and salt. Let simmer for about 10 minutes and keep adding water if it evaporates.

5. Meanwhile, unwrap the Tofurky from it's casing. This is where the thawing comes in handy. If still frozen, not only does it take 3 hours to cook, but it is extremely difficult to peel off the plastic casing, whereas if it's thawed, it takes 1 hr 25 min to cook and the casing comes off very easily.

6. Place the Tofurky in a roast pan and surround it with chopped carrots and parsnips, pour pan mixture onto and around the roast and sprinkle rosemary everywhere..the more the better!

* You can use whichever herbs you like, I'm of the belief that you can never have enough rosemary :)

7. Cover with tin foil and cook for 1hr 25min. Uncover for the last 10-15 minutes. Put the oven on "broil" for the last 5 minutes until golden brown, but keep your eye on it or it will burn!
*While cooking: You will have to periodically get in there and baste the roast with the liquid around it. You don't need a baster, I used a large spoon.
*While cooking: You will also need to periodically add water when it gets too dry

8. Stuff face

9. Fall asleep

That's all folks :)

Saturday 29 September 2012

Strippers, Divorces and Psychos, Oh my!

    In case you missed last week, everyone now knows that Kate is Trey's mother, this happened after a pretty emotional segment between Kate and Trey in which Kate realizes he is her son, spawning an emergence of Connie, who then laced into the poor fella. She even went as far as telling him she wanted an abortion...I actually felt bad for the little guy. Kate rips off his initialed necklace, which is later found by Sonny. While people like Maxie, who is planning her wedding, suspect something is wrong with Kate/Connie, Connie is doing a good job at hiding she's back.
Sam and Jason aren't doing very well...especially after Sam walked in on Jason and that blasted Elizabeth Webber kissing!...Jason later rejected Elizabeth but the damage was done and Sam signed the divorce papers.

      This week being Jason and Sam's anniversary, they run into each other at the Chinese restaurant where it all happened. Of course, the owner insists on cooking them an anniversary feast. Sam and Jason try to get out of it but seeing as how the Chinese grandmother is terminally ill, it would be rude not to...Soap opera etiquette, ever heard of it?! And they all remember and reminisce and stare into each others eyes and even share a kiss, I cry over my chai latte. Jason then sees the divorce papers in Sams hand, and gets called away by Spinelli.
Meanwhile Spinelli and Mcbain are getting closer and closer do finding Sam's baby, they have even tracked it to Landview, where the insane Heather Webber is babysitting for Tea Delgado! Mcbain shows up in Landview, visits Tea and even manages to get an oral swab from the baby while nobody is looking! Mcbain gets back to Port Charles and hands Jason the swab....and he runs straight to Elizabeth to help him. BIG FUCKING MISTAKE!!! will she do the right thing?...nope, she didn't! Sam's DNA doesn't match the baby's

      Christina informs Sonny and Alexis that she and Trey have no intention of getting an annulment. Trey then walks in and professes his genuine love for her. Can I just say, I love the dynamic between Sonny and Alexis. I think they're hilarious and have great chemistry!

      Johnny threatens Todd, Todd threatens Johnny, Connie threatens both of them, Todd double crosses Johnny.

      Meanwhile...Patrick is getting ready for his date with that bitchy new MD, Brit the vegetarian, as the cute nurse Sabrina shows up to babysit Emma...who gets more adorable everyday, even though she's being quite belligerent with Sabrina!
We see right off the bat just how jealous and crazy Brit is when she answers Patricks phone while he's not at the table, and hangs up on Sabrina. I for one already can't stand her, which is probably the goal, so they're doing a good job of that! Thankfully, she calls him a second time and Patrick runs home to be with his daughter.
The next day Brit walks in on Dr. Drake telling Sabrina what a great job she did with Emma, and obviously has to stick her nose works because Patrick asks her out again and Sabrina asks Patrick to babysit again...Dr. bitch is not happy about that and shows her true colors once Patrick leaves the usual.

Jacks and Carly sign divorce papers..bitter sweetly

      Party time!!!!! Kate's bachelorette party is in full force! Poor poor Maxie...she worked so hard and can't do anything right, where are the strippers?? All the who's who of the Port Charles ladies are at the Floating Rib to celebrate including Elizabeth who keeps eyeball fucking poor Sam...I'm really starting to dislike her but i guess turning her into a villain was inevitable. They do all kinds of shots and get shit faced, everyone notices that “Kate” is acting very unlike herself....and she wants a stripper! Lulu decides Milo is the perfect man for the job ;)...Magic Milo, that is! After a little coaching from Lulu, he starts to get the hang of it.
The ladies douse him with beer and stick singles down his pants, Kate/Connie even licks whipped cream off his chest....honestly it looked fun as hell and Milo looked pretty hot! ...aaaaand then Connie had to go and ruin it. She follows a naked Milo into the back and tries to jump his bones...Olivia catches her in the act but Connie convinces her its another hallucination. Milo runs away.
Meanwhile Elizabeth very loudly explains to Lulu how Jason kissed her and shes the one that stopped him, which is a big fat lie. As intended by Elizabeth, Sam hears everything....I really hope good ol' Liz gets whats coming to her, namely, a punch in the teeth!
Finally, Kate is so happy with the job Maxie did that she re hires her at Crimson. Elated, Maxie decides she is going to see Spinelli.

      Meanwhile at Sonny's bachelor party, no fun is being had by anybody. What a bunch of geeks! They all decide to play poker and talk about their feeeeeelings...seriously?! Trey shows up to join in the fun. Sonny takes Trey into the back room, shows him the necklace and tells him he knows Scully is his father. Sonny then threatens Trey to leave Christina.
Spinelli tries to convince Jason that even though the DNA sample came back negative, he still believes Sam's baby is alive. To prove it he calls over his laboratory love interest who he seems pretty into..she even talks like him.
Max tells Milo to keep the Kate incident from Sonny, if he wants to live, and Sonny shows up at the floating rib after all the girls have left. He walks through the bar, studying the decor in awe. I think Sonny is realizing that Kate would never choose a zebra print theme...this is classic Connie.

      So much is happening lately on GH, every episode is full of twists and action. Love the new writing! Until next week, Port Charles.

Sara :p

Friday 28 September 2012

5 Step Chunky Monkey Muffins

     So, as usual, I bought a bunch of bananas and a couple of days later they were too soft to eat. I'm sick of wasting money so I decided to bake something as I watched my 6 hour marathon of General Hospital (Summary to come). The following is my recipe for 5 Step Chunky Monkey Muffins. 

1 1/2 cups  flour
2/3 cup sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup mashed ripe bananas (about 2 large / 3 medium) *
1 large egg
1/2 cup  butter or margarine, melted
1/4 cup vanilla soy milk **
3/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips ***
   * When mashing banana, leave it a little lumpy.
 **  you can also use regular milk then add 1 tsp of
       vanilla extract     
*** I used milk chocolate chips which made them very 
       sweet. I suggest semisweet if your sweet tooth isn't 
       as hungry as my boyfriend's
  • Preheat oven to 350 F - Makes 12 muffins

Step 1: Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in large bowl.
Step 2: Mix mashed bananas, egg, melted butter and milk in medium bowl.

Step 3: Stir banana mixture into dry ingredients just until blended, do not over-mix.
Step 4:  Stir in chocolate chips.


Step 5:  Divide batter among  muffin cups, filling each about 3/4 full, that way you will get nice looking muffins instead of tiny half-full muffins.
 Bake until tops are pale golden. You can insert a toothpick into the center of one of the muffins. It should come out with some melted chocolate on it but no batter or crrumbs, about 25  minutes.

And there you go!! Delicious muffins in 5 easy steps...just add a large cup of coffee and 6 hours of soaps and you've got the perfect Friday afternoon :)
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